Wood Badge

What is Wood Badge?

Reflecting the best of over a century of Scouting experience, Wood Badge draws upon the most current leadership models used by corporate America, academic circles, and successful organizations throughout the country.

Baden Powell founded wood Badge training in 1919 as a way to ensure that the leaders of Scout troops were properly trained. Since then, Wood Badge has been held worldwide, providing advanced leadership training to thousands of Scout Leaders.

Wood Badge builds on the best traditions and experiences of the Boy Scouts of America. Also, it draws from a wide range of courses within and beyond the bounds of Scouting to present the latest in leadership theory and team development. 


Who Should Attend?

Wood Badge is designed to meet the advanced leadership needs of all Scouters, particularly unit-level Scouters, such as Cub leaders, Scoutmasters and assistants, Venturing Crew Advisors, Committee Chairs and members. Additionally, Scouters serving at the District and Council levels can achieve greater effectiveness through Wood Badge.

To attend a Wood Badge course, individuals must:

  • Be registered members of the Boy Scouts of America (Youth 18 and older may attend as long as appropriate Youth Protection Guidelines are followed. They do not need to be registered in an adult leadership role.)
  • Have completed the basic training courses for their Scouting position.
  • Be capable of functioning safely in an outdoor environment. All participants are required to complete the Annual Health and Medical form (A, B, & C).
  • Commit to both weekends and developing your tickets and completing them. 


Why Attend?

By taking Wood Badge, Scouters will acquire valuable tools such as listening, communicating, conflict management, project planning, and leading change.  Participants will better learn to understand and appreciate diversity and differences in our society. You will learn skills that will make you a better Scout leader. Units with trained leaders can deliver an improved program and a more meaningful experience for the youth Scouting serves.

By attending Wood Badge, you will internalize the five themes of Wood Badge: Living the Values, Growing, Connecting, Guiding, and Empowering.  It will be a Mountain Top Experience that you will never forget. Just ask anyone that has taken Wood Badge.

At Wood Badge, participants join patrols of complete strangers, and everyone gets a turn as patrol leader. At first, the process feels forced: You will spend 24 hours a day with these people you just met, and you will like it. But by Day Three or Four, you realize the bonds formed with these Scouters won’t end when the course does.

The activities involved in Wood Badge aren’t a BSA creation. If your boss shipped you off to a team-development course in the past several decades, you’ve probably heard of them. In fact, you can find most of the leadership lessons taught at Wood Badge in the self-help section of your local bookstore. But those books lack the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law, and they don’t include Scouting-specific connections that convert abstract leadership lessons into something you can actually use. And unlike your office’s awkward team-building outings, everyone at Wood Badge actually wants to be there.  This is a course that you can use everywhere else in your life. It makes you a better leader and a better communicator. It’s something you can bring to your family and your workplace. It makes you think about the things you do, how you do them, and why.

Wood Badge takes place over a series of two weekends in the Fall. These weekends include leadership classes, games, activities, and plenty of meaningful conversations. Participants then have 18 months to complete their Wood Badge ticket, a series of five projects that benefit a Scouter’s home unit and local community. These ticket items extend the reach of Wood Badge well beyond the five-day course.


Course Director

Michael Hall


Course Information


Camp Charles F. Perry
FM 1420 Rio Hondo TX 

Course Dates:

1st weekend: October 7th-9th 2022
2nd weekend: October 22nd-23rd 2022

NOTE: Both weekends are required and begin at 8AM and end around 5PM on Sunday. Check-in on Friday, Oct 7th begins at 7:30 AM

Course Limit:

The course is limited to 48 Participants. A waiting list will be created on a first-fully-paid, first-served basis.

Cost: $280.00 / $310.00after September 1, 2022

Fee includes meals, cracker barrel, program materials, t-shirt, course mug, course hat, course CSP, and recognition items.

A non-refundable $75 deposit is required to reserve your spot in the course. The balance of the fee is due in full no later than [____________].


Scholarships Available

The Rio Grande Council does have a Scholarship Fund. If assistance is needed, please contact Michael. You can also check if your unit or business will sponsor your participation. 

Have A Question About Wood Badge?



Council Training Chair

Roger Mantony



Arrowhead District

Michael Hall



Arroyo District

Volunteer Needed


Rio Bravo District

Volunteer Needed


Tip-O-Tex District

Eric Guerrero



Ada Trevino



Bonita Schraut
